Thursday, 19 July 2012

SEOtastic and spoof ads

SEO is like a rollecoaster ride, everybody is on a steep learning curve.
Expertise comes and goes at the beat of an algorithm

As if I didn't have enough on my hands between work, raising a child and volunteering, I have now five blogs. The latest is all about SEO (click SEO to view), in plain words and sharing what I've learnt/I'm learning with a few advanced tips thrown in (marked as DEEP END WARNING).

I hope I will surf over a big wave with this one as I really want to make remote working work on a full-time basis. If not, I will have to get a job, now that my daughter is in school. But what about all my volunteering commitments? Will I have time for those?

Hope to see you there, if you don't have the time, just follow @simonecas to get my #TweetsforSEO.

Happy reading!

PS: here is a spoof ad I created for a fun copywriting challenge.

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